Stories We Live, Stories We Love: a writing/performance workshop

“Stories We Live, Stories We Love”

In this writing & performance workshop, participants meld literature, photos, recordings, testimonies and other primary sources into their own stories to create original texts and performances. See below for more details.

TIX/WORKSHOP COMBO: buy one tix to

The Drifts Live: the novel onstage

Drifts_site-adplus any other @OnSoandSo Fest show & the 90 min. workshop is free!

When: Nov. 1, 11a-1230P
Where: 6 Fredericks Place, London  EC2R 8AB
Participants please bring:
  1. one ‘primary source’ (a photo, letter, map, testimony, song; a story that someone else has written, etc.) to explore.
  2. Tools for writing (pen/pencil, paper, notebooks, tablet, etc.). 
  3. Dress suitable to engage with exercises & techniques at your safe level ofmobility.
