Writers’ Circle TO, Summer 2024!
In-Person Video Conference Sessions
Inspiring sessions designed to keep you writing and exploring.
Full Session Descriptions Here

WCTO writers revising their scene while others are being filmed.
Luckily, writing is a craft and art that can be learned by doing it. But many writers lack an on-going focused environment in which to take their work to the next level. Led by thom vernon, Writers’ Circle TO is a unique and safe workshop environment designed to be accessible to creative writers: screenwriters, fiction and non-fiction writers, poets and others (1-person shows, memoirists, etc.). Participation is by invitation only.
Check out what people have said about thom’s classes. We take it all on: story, character, dialogue, setting — and maybe even a little neuroscience. We’re here to spread wings and move that pen. In each session, elements will be explored through presentations, exercises, learning strategies and workshopping.
Our goal is to unleash the author in each writer. Good writers ‘author’, according to Barthes, while others transcribe, or write. Authoring implies an authenticity, an amplification of meaning, that is not found in transcription. These sessions will teach you the tools and techniques to achieve ‘authoring’. They will leave writers refreshed, inspired and eager to enter their work.
In each session, we will critically discuss participant work.
Writers’ Circle TO is a rare opportunity to engage with a professional writer, other professional writers, and a select community of peers.
Enrolment is required for entire session via email transfer, cash or cheque.
Click here for full session offerings starting soon!
To apply for participation, email [email protected]. Include your contact information, the genre that you’re working in, and any questions or concerns you may have. Thanks!