WCTO Session Offerings

WCTO Writers Are Getting Their Films Made,

Optioning, Placing in Major Contests and

Building Their Skills!

1. Video Conference sessions: In Summer 2024 each bi-weekly meeting includes opportunities to workshop your pages (screenplay, fiction, poetry, essay, playwriting, etc.) in small, facilitated group sessions. Participating writers receive constructive and inspiring feedback from each other and thom. thom provides in-session, in writing, and recorded feedback for each submission. Presentations, exercises and learning strategies are offered in every session. Push your skills, craft and the projects you’re working on. Six bi-weekly sessions, approx. 3.5 hrs./session. $394.00, inc. Max: 10 writers.

2. 1-1 sessions: In-person, 1-1 coaching/consulting sessions with thom. $125/hr., inc. Intensive coaching sessions include written feedback and discussion of your work. Writing strategies and suggestions designed especially for you. 

Starting dates (tentative): June 3, 2024. Reserve your seat by sending tuition ($394.00, inc.) ASAP. Please send via email money transfer. 

Email thom at [email protected] to register and for more information.